Dark Lord Kotal Kahn Challenge
15th to 22nd January 2025
Hello, gamers! Here’s a guide for the Dark Lord Kotal Kahn Challenge in Mortal Kombat Mobile’s latest update. Check the requirements to ensure you’re ready to add Dark Lord Kotal Kahn to your collection!
Kotal Kahn Dark Lord: Passive – Osh-Tekk Bodyguard
Dark Lord Kotal Kahn summons an Osh-Tekk warrior to fight in his place after using his Sword Quake (Special Attack 2). Maximum 2 warriors per battle.
Dark Lord Kotal Kahn Normal Requirements
- Tower 1: Bronze Characters only.
- Tower 2: Silver and Bronze Characters only.
- Tower 3: Silver Characters only.
- Tower 4: Outworld Characters only.
- Tower 5: Kano must be on your team.
Dark Lord Kotal Kahn Hard Requirements
- Tower 1: Bronze Characters only.
- Tower 2: Silver and Bronze Characters only.
- Tower 3: Silver Characters only.
- Tower 4: Outworld Characters only.
- Tower 5: Gold or Diamond Kano must be on your team.
Dark Lord Kotal Kahn Elder Requirements
- Tower 1: Gold and Diamond Characters only.
- Tower 2: Kano and Jason Voorhees must be on your team.
- Tower 3: Netherrealm Characters only.
- Tower 4: Netherrealm Characters only.
- Tower 5: Kano and Jason Voorhees must be on your team.
Dark Lord Kotal Kahn Final Boss
Check this video for all the boss fights and upgrade your players.
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