Hellspawn Tower Equipment

Hellspawn Tower Equipment

Hello Gamers Hellspawn Tower Equipment will be available in Mk Mobile Update 5.4

  • Gutless Grappler
  • Scorched Sting
  • Itchy Suffocation
  • Crown of Mind Control
  • Tempest Bangle
  • Blazing Girdle
  • Damnation Visage
  • Fools Abductor
  • Tempest Lasso
  • Blazing Training

Hellspawn Tower Equipment

Gutless Grappler (Uncommon/Accessory)

  • 20% Max health boost.
  • 80% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 160% Max Health boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 30% Chance to gain Dispel on Special Attack 1.

Scorched Sting (Uncommon/Accessory)

  • 25% Chance to apply Fire on Combo Ender.
  • 80% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 160% Max Health boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 25% Incoming Damage reduction when the user is below 50% of health.

Itchy Suffocation (Uncommon/Accessory)

  • 50% Chance to apply Weaken on tag-in.
  • 80% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 160% Max Health boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • Apply Bleed to random opponent upon applying Weaken.

Crown of Mind Control (Rare/Weapon)

  • 30% All Special Attacks unblockable chance.
  • Applies Team Incurability for 20 sec on successful Special Attack 2.
  • 300% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 25% Chance to perform Special Attack 2 with zero power cost.

Tempest Bangle Rare/Accessory)

  • 30% Reduced Power cost on all Special Attacks.
  • 50% Reduced Snare and Slow duration applied to the user.
  • 150% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 300% Max Health boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • Gain Regeneration upon successful tag-out for 7 sec.

Blazing Girdle (Rare/Armor)

  • 30% Opponent unblockable attack chance reduction
  • 15% Chance to remove opponent’s active positive effects on successful Basic Attack
  • 600% Max Health boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • Gain Shield at the start of the match and on tag-in for 10 sec.

Damnation Visage (Epic/Accessory)

  • 30% Power generation boost.
  • 100% Chance to gain Strengthen after the user performs any Special Attack. Strengthen can stack up to 3 times.
  • 225% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 225% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 75% Chance to apply Team Power Drain on tag-in and every 13 seconds while user is tagged-in.

Fools Abductor (Epic/Armor)

  • Reduces active opponent’s power generation by 20%
  • Steal 50% of the opponent’s max Attack and max Health if the opponent meets their final death by the user.
  • 1200% Max Health boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • Whenever an opponent tries to apply a positive combat effect to themselves or their team, the effect copy is applied to the user. The copied buffs can stack. Unique personal effects are not affected.

Tempest Lasso  (Epic/Weapon)

  • 50% Basic Attacks unblockable chance.
  • 100% Chance to apply Snare after performing successful Special Attack 1.
  • 600% Damage boost. Hellspawn Tower only.
  • [RAIDEN] 40% Chance to counter-attack opponent’s Special Attacks with Tempest attack, dealing damage and applying Fire to the whole opponent team.
  • Gain 1 Bar of Power and Speed for 5 sec. on tag-in.

Blazing Training (Epic/Armor)

  • 15% Lethal Blow Chance boost.
  • 100% Chance to apply Shield Break for 7 sec. before any Special Attack.
  • 600% Damage boost. Hellspawn tower only.
  • [LIU KANG] Liu Kang gains stack of Courage after every Combo Ender. Max 4 stacks. For each stack he has a 25% chance to perform Special Attack I instead of Combo Ender. Applies Stun on the opponent after SP1 used this way. The Courage resets after triggering the effect.
  • While user is active, gain 10% Damage boost every 4 sec, maximum 100%. There is a 25% chance to also apply Blind for 8 sec. after receiving boost from this effect.

Mk Mobile Upcoming Challenges

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